But Mommmm…
am busy making a lake for all the animals!
The Children have certainly enjoyed
water play out on the yard and in the classrooms during these hot, first days of
school. As you can see, children’s work
can be very messy. Yet, she is busy
making a habitat for the wild animals.
During this play she is learning the names of the animals, pairing them
up and caring for them on a hot day. I
imagine working with real animals, whether in the wild or in a wild life park
can be very rewarding yet messy.
My point, you ask? It was wonderful that our little one came dressed
for her messy job and so there were no worries about needing to keep
clean. A suggestion would be to keep a
few plastic bags, extra clothes and shoes in your car. It's perfect for those days when your child may be covered from
head to toe in mess and you would prefer not to get it all over your
car. Another good reason to keep an extra change of clothes on hand, is for those days you plan to go
somewhere else other than home. A quick change of the clothes and
into the bag will do the trick. Another good reason to keep an extra change of clothes on hand, is for those days you plan to go
somewhere else other than home.
Remember PLAY is children’s WORK and it
can be oh so MESSY!